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Photographs L.Meresse SIPA  Hurry 



"Why? For whom? How to dance when the world is stopped?

I always danced to breathe, because the words were too concrete, too fixed.

Today more than ever it seems fair to me to dance. For yourself, for you. For Monsieur Hervé, my neighbor who watches life go by. For all those who continue to make this world go round. However fragile it is.

We're going to need love, a lot. We are going to need strength, intelligence and courage. We will have to put things in their place, knowing how to give, knowing how to help and discern. Discern why we have come to this.

Then we will need art , always. Because art is the nourishment of the soul and gives the keys to other worlds; necessary worlds, refuges outside Earth.


My refuge is this one. 

A thought for my father and my cousin, on the forehead facing their patients. A thought for all those who continue to run France, from the maintenance agent to the resuscitator "

Jeanne - March 2020

BLUE DANCE - tribute to Christophe

“I stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; window-to-window garlands; gold chains from star to star and i  # dance

Arthur Rimbaud  



Let's dance 
In our hearts, our hopes, our homes
Let's dance to bring back life, ours
To revive the magic that we had killed
Let's dance like children
Like alone in the dark
To drive away nightmares
Let's dance so as not to sink
To continue to believe that the human is worth the trouble
Because life is queen
Let's just dance, let's dance in love,
Let's also dance to say
"We were really stupid, we are moving forward now"
Let's dance for those who help, those who struggle, let's dance for those who suffer, those who leave,
To still transmit to them the color of sunny days

Jeanne - April 2020


Confined dances, created, interpreted, filmed and edited by Jeanne Morel / March - April - May 2020


"Why? For whom? How to dance when the machine has resumed?

How to walk on the ashes of what we fled?

Think about what we have learned. To think that we have been strong. So strong.

Thinking that nothing is unnecessary.

Do you remember those moments?

From the strength of solidarity?

I will continue to dance, always. Dance differently, dance for free.

Dancing for newcomers who had never seen a ballet. Because my life is here.

On my balcony, at the bend of a street, on a video, on the ink of the moment.

I will continue to dance, under the storm or the cobblestones. Because nothing will prevent Men from dreaming.

Jeanne - May 2020

8 p.m. FRANCE 2 - Friday June 5, 2020

JT TF1 - ZOOM Magazine - May 8, 2020



Make the intangible sustainable.

Give to see, weave to live.

Make memory gesture.

Get back on the train. Jump in, tutu in hand.

Make the trip come alive.

Dare to go there.

Animale compagnie.jpg

"But today ?

How to continue to support?

Because inequalities have returned, more nasty, more present, like a big kick in our bouquets of hope.  


I decided not to stop. 

Whatever it costs.

I decided to keep giving.

And if what I have to give are a few steps of dancing, a few steps of hope, I carry them like a weapon, like a flowered weapon. 

A rifle that reminds us that we wanted to believe it.


Let me tell you the story.

The story of the time when the neighbors of the street shared a lot what they had little ... "

El viaje de la sardina  -

Work in progress  

Case (s) to follow ...

Jeanne Morel - Louise Meresse

Photographs L.Meresse SIPA  Hurry 

Photographs L.Meresse SIPA  Hurry 

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